The ePost scanning service can do a great deal for you but not everything

1 min read
9. June 2023

Benefit from the free ePost scanning service.

All ePost partner documents automatically end up in your ePost inbox. You can add other documents by uploading or scanning. But that's not all: if you don’t want to scan your physical mail yourself, our scanning service will do it for you - simply and conveniently. 



We open your letter mail automatically in the scan centre and forward it straight away to your ePost inbox in digital form for a monthly or annual fee. There is no delay in comparison with conventional despatches. If you still want to receive a letter in its original paper format, you can order it from us within 25 days.


Exotic letter formats also fail the scan and are forwarded automatically. If we are unable to categorise the despatch clearly, you receive a digital document with scans of the envelope and the first two pages of the content as a preview If it is unsolicited advertising, for example, you simply decline delivery.  

You’ll also receive registered letters with ePost. These are considered to be delivered after receipt at the scanning centre.



The scanning service is also a practical solution during holiday absences. On the one hand, the digital mailbox keeps you up to date anywhere in the world. On the other hand, there is no huge pile of mail waiting for you when you return.

A glimpse into the future
As useful as the scanning service is, it might eventually become superfluous: when ePost's partner network becomes extensive enough to cover nearly all despatches. 

In any case, at ePost, we work daily to obtain more partners. To make your life even simpler.

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