Deactivation of the digital inbox after a long period of non-use

1 min read
4. September 2023

In the analogue world, overflowing letterboxes attract attention. But what happens if you no longer look at your digital mail? To keep you up-to-date, we have developed a system that reminds you to open and read your digital mail. 

Day 25:  if you have not opened your post for 25 days, you will receive a friendly push notification from us. We want to make sure you never miss any important news. 

Day 30: if there is still no response after 30 days, we will send you a reminder by email. We understand that life is sometimes hectic, but we want to make sure you stay up to date.

Day 40: after 40 days, we will send you an email informing you that redirection will be disabled for security reasons. Don’t worry, you can reactivate it at any time. In the meantime, you will receive your mail physically.  

Day 60: if we still do not see any activity from you after 60 days, we will send you an SMS as a final reminder. Your digital post is waiting to be read by you.

Day 70: after 70 days, we will send you an email to tell you that the scanning service has been deactivated. We believe it is important for you to maintain control over your communication. 

In the same way as a physical letterbox, it is vital to check your digital mail regularly. So, you never miss any important information and you stay connected to the world. Our reminders are designed to keep you active and ensure you never miss a relevant message. Because your digital communication is important to us!

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