Be vigilant online: protect your digital data from theft

2 min read
1. March 2024

We live in a time when data are an extremely valuable commodity. This makes it attractive for criminals to steal our digital data. But how do you know if someone is trying to get hold of your data and how can you protect yourself?

Digital attacks are often difficult to detect because they occur in the background. There are several signs that may indicate your digital data are at risk. Suspicious activity on your online accounts is a clear warning sign. You may notice unknown transactions or receive notifications about login attempts that you did not initiate. Always look out for such irregularities and report them to your service provider straight away.

Check the sender every time

Another common indicator of potential data theft are phishing attempts. These are fraudulent emails or messages that ask you to provide personal information. They may look as though they come from your bank, email provider, or social network. In such cases, always check the sender carefully and do not click on suspicious links.

You should also pay attention to unknown applications or programs on your device. If you see software that you did not install, it could be that someone has tried to install malware on your device.

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Be careful if there are unexplained system crashes

In addition to these signs, there are other things that may alert you. For example, unexplained system crashes or a sudden major reduction in your device performance can indicate an attack. In the same way, unexpected password change requests or notifications about new accounts that you did not create can be a sign of data theft.

How to protect your digital data

There are a number of measures you can take to protect your data:

  • Use strong and unique passwords for each of your online accounts.
  • Enable two-factor authentication wherever it is offered.
  • Only share personal information if it is absolutely necessary and you trust the site or person.
  • Only download apps and software from trusted sources.
  • Keep your devices and applications up to date.
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Additional advice for protecting your digital identity

  • Use security software: install a recognised security program on your devices. This can help detect and block threats.
  • Use public Wi-Fi with caution: public Wi-Fi networks are often insecure. If you use them, avoid entering sensitive information such as banking details.
  • Rely on encryption: use encryption tools to protect sensitive data. Many email providers now offer end-to-end encryption.
  • Back up your data: do regular data back-ups. In the event of an attack, the data can then be restored.

Your digital data are valuable and deserve protection. You can prevent digital data theft by staying vigilant and taking the right measures.

Note: This article is part of the “digital identity” series.

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